Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Updates, Updates, Updates!

Hello All you loyal readers! :-) hehehe to think I have loyal readers makes me giggle!

This post is all about updates and whats new going on down here!
Spring is in full force here in Texas, with temps ranging from 50 through 85 the trees are in bloom and pollen out in full force! We had an amazing weekend with Michael's parents and have Tony and Alicia heading our way in the next few days! We are loving having visitors and getting a little taste of home. If you are interested in coming for a visit let us know and we'll be glad to make some room!

On another great note Momma and baby are doing better every day- we have a doctors Apt tomorrow the 30th  to check to see how things are going and hear the beautiful music of baby's heart beat again. We also bought a super safe Baby mobile Friday night! We now own a new to us Toyota Camry with all the safety features! Now in case the deep rumble of Daddy's big truck isn't as soothing to baby as it is to Daddy we have a super quiet safe ride to lull baby back to sleep.

Check out the new ride and the sweet air visors that Ryan got us for the truck. It was finally nice enough to give the big red girl a wash and put on her new shades!

In other news Michael and I checked out the Fort Worth Zoo on Sunday and that place was awesome. Ranked in the top 5 Zoos in the United States it was great. Here are some of my favorite shots!
Crazy Hippos running around in the water! 

Ele-fante! <3 my favorite

Mamma Hippo relaxing in the tub! 

This big kitty is doing upside down kitten head pose like our little Kitten girl does all the time! Priceless picture! 

Big white Tiger laying right behind the glass in the Tiger enclosure

Mamma taking a nap and Daddy keeping watch! 

<3 Much love for now! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ohhh BABY!!!!

So by this time most of you have already heard the big news....Michael is officially Licensed in Texas as a Electrician :-)
Hahaha not the news you were expecting by the title? :-) Ok here goes the really big news Michael and I are expecting our first baby!!!!!!

We were waiting until we had our first doctors appointment before we put a blog post together. Here is what we know so far:
Based on what we had calculated we were 8 weeks & 3 days today. However when the Dr. was doing the ultrasound today she said we were measuring a week behind that which puts us at 7 weeks & 3 days. Which is a little sad because that means one more week of All Day sickness, but she did give me some anti-nausea meds to help out with the yucky belly feeling!! Baby's heart rate is 156.25 beats per minute and looks great.
Depending on which week we use to measure baby is measuring between the size of a Blueberry and a Raspberry!  (Berry baby, Berry baby!)
Baby G- making his/her first online debut! (that's right folks we are NOT finding out the gender of the baby before Birthday Day... which is expected to be on or around October 21st!
Picture of baby doesn't look so much like a baby yet. In fact baby looks a little bit more like baby bunny! The part that looks like bunny ears is actually the yolk sack that helps feed baby in the first trimester.  We go back for our next sonogram in April!

We've been taking pictures every week of my belly too! Belly bump! 7-8 weeks.

Throughout all of the morning/all day sickness Michael has been amazing. He is super excited about becoming a daddy. He has been helping around the house and making toast for me when ever I feel like I could eat. I could not ask for a better husband or greater support. I am proud to become a momma with such a wonderful daddy to share it with.

On top of everything else we have Michael's parents coming down to visit us next week and then Tony and Alicia at the end of the month!
So excited to have some family here visiting.

Thank you also to everyone who sent us parent-to be, new home and Valentines cards we really appreciate all the Love!
and we love you all back soooo much.
Michael, Laura & Baby