So what updates to start with
- Michael got a new job thats going well- He's working at Arrow Electric and liking it so far. He has his own van that he takes to and from work and uniforms too (which he obviously looks handsome in! <3)
- I took a new position at my company and am working on some large projects that are giving me new experience and responsibility- really enjoying it so far
- We reached our halfway mark in the pregnancy this past weekend and are now just over 20 weeks. My belly is hard to the touch and is now protruding significantly :-) I feel like there is not nearly enough room in my abdomen for all my organs, food and baby.
- My Cousin Amanda came to visit this week, she is headed home tomorrow morning :-( We had a blast while she was here. Her and I got Pedicures and shopped, we went to the Rangers Game Friday night, and had great seats LOL last row all the way at the top.
- Saturday the 3 of us went to the City Arts Festival in downtown Dallas, sampling yummy treats and checking out some awesome artisans. Sunday we drove 3 hours to Austin only to find it was 99 degrees downtown, but enjoyed the sites anyway.
I bought this onesie at OldNavy. Not only does this express how I feel right now but I knew it would be the best way to describe a baby that came from me & Michael <3
Here is a Belly picture from Today May 31st. :-) The doctor says I'm right on track as far as weight and size :-) and we have another ultrasound on Monday the 6th. (and no we are still not finding out the gender!!!!)
The view of Austin downtown from the roof deck at Maggie Mae's
Great picture Manda took of Michael and I on the shore of Lady Bird Lake.
We went to dinner at the Iron Catus in downtown Austin. The food was amazing, the service...not so much.
Michael and I at Dinner <3
Me lounging on the couch at the Hotel bar while Manda and Michael had beers.
On the way home we stopped at the legendary Collin Street Bakery where my Preggo self bought $18.00 worth of cookies... I said to the man behind the counter. "Can I have 3 of every kind of cookie you have?"
That's all for now!!!!
Laura, Michael & Baby G