Thursday, August 26, 2010

And so it begins....

...Our first big event as a married couple, no not buying a house or expecting a baby, but moving and not just down the street or a few towns over.

We're about to start a new Adventure. A 1700 mile journey from here to there... from Massachusetts to Texas. A 28 hour drive (3, 9-10 hour days for those of us who like to stop to pee and sleep) or a 4 hour non-stop flight.

Why? because a new job for me and open opportunity for Michael calls us to check out what life has to offer outside the comfort of our everyday bubble.So when Michael mentioned wanting to get one of those multi-space picture frames and take a picture every year of where we are on our anniversary so we can see where we've been and how far we've come. I decided that documenting the process and the feelings and experiences, might not be a bad idea either. The packing and sorting and selling of things; the renting and driving etc will all be here, as well as updates from the other side of the uhaul once we settle in. Since it is going to be such a change for the both of us to be so far from friends and family this blog should make it easier to keep everyone informed of what's new and happening.

Big Picture:
3 months to pack up our life and move out of our great little apt
Staying back at home with the Gallerane clan for December
Leaving 2 days after Christmas to start our drive
Move in by the 1st of the year 2011!
Find Michael a job
Explore the great big world of Texas.

When Acadia said to me "how about Texas?" I looked at Michael and in the spirit of one of our favorite movies Disney/Pixar's UP- I dug up my best Ellie impression and said "Are you ready for an Adventure Michael?" and like Carl, his reply..." I'm ready Laura"
And so it begins....

1 comment:

  1. Yay for adventure! Remember to hold hands - it won't be as scary <3
