Saturday, October 1, 2011

Less than 5 days!

So the time for baby Gallerane to make his or her debut is here... well almost. :-) Due to increasingly high blood pressure and overzealous swelling in my extremities our Doctor is inducing me on Thursday October 6th at 7:30am! Michael and I are both happy with the decision as I have been to, and our doctor consulted with a high risk obstetrician on her decision as well. I'm also already 3cm dilated and about 80% effaced as of last week which significantly increases my chances of continuing with a natural birth. If I wasn't progressing on my own they would have suggested a c-section which I'm not really comfortable with. We promise to update everyone as things move forward and make an announcement as soon as possible on our little bundle of joy.
10 fingers, 10 toes what we're having no one knows!!!!
love Laura, Michael and baby!

Friday, September 2, 2011

it's been a while

I know its been quite a while (about a month and a half I guess) since I posted last. Things down here in the great state of Texas have been a little...hmm shall we say...different.
First things first....

Michael has a great job now with a thriving (read: BUSY) company. They see his knowledge, skills and work ethic as valuable (like I do). However it means he's been traveling a TON. 5-7 days at time, all over Texas. The pay is good but the hours are long. I miss him a lot, but we're making do. We do get to talk a good bit though since he drives so much-(a small investment in a great hands-free headset can make all the difference) The overtime hours have allowed us to bank some vacation time pay for Michael for when the baby comes...prep and buy things for baby in advance and allowed us to get tickets to the Cowboys home game on Thanksgiving, a dream of Michael's for quite some time! (since it will be just us and the baby...we're taking the baby to see the boys!)

With Michael traveling I've had to discover some new ways to keep busy.
The first... PACKING! Since we are moving in a month to a larger apt in our same complex I've taken to stuffing a box or two a night  while he is away. It's cathartic to pack. I get this great feeling of accomplishment closing up a box, knowing that I've reviewed the contents for usefulness and keep-ability, and organized it for easy unpacking. Might sound a little crazy but Nesting- so common for pregnant women is incredibly hard to do when there is no space to put the baby things. My "nesting" has become prepping for the move. Once into our bigger apartment I'll have the space to set up the nursery/guest room, and really nest. (that all hinges on when exactly Baby G decides to make his or her grand entrance) Michael is secretly hoping  its just before moving day so he can deal with the movers. He seems to think I might be easier or smoother if I'm not there.... LOL.
Second time-consuming exercise I've discovered or rather re-discovered is my craftiness. As you may know I was becoming the scrapbooking queen before we moved to Texas. I've always loved to paint, draw, color, and design things. Nothing fancy just for fun.  Since we've been here though I haven't touched a single craft box, sticker, paper, or pencil. I just have had no inspiration, or desire. Before, when we were living in MA we had so much going on and were rarely just home to relax, so on Tuesday nights while Michael would go play volleyball I'd turn the living room into a crafters paradise.....I think, before it used to be a stress reliever for me to be creative, a time to be alone and enjoy the quiet. Since we've been  here it's been nothing but quiet, no chaotic weeks full of working late, visits to family and friends and running errands- things we stressed about before we were actually taking for granted. I can honestly tell you from my heart that as much as we are both glad to have the opportunity to spread our wings we can't wait to fly home for good again. Being far away takes so much out of you. We will always be grateful for the opportunity and the time we've spent here- as a couple we've become so close and I think it was important for us to have this time together...but we cant wait to come home.
I digress...back to crafting....

A few weeks ago I discovered a Paint Your Own pottery place right near our house, called Color Me Mine. I decided to try it out. The people who work there are so helpful and the first night I went I actually cried on the way home. (now it could have been hormones but..)It felt good to felt relaxing, like I was finding my way back to a little bit of normal. It brought me back to the ceramics classes we used to do in NJ with my mom. She used to paint things for decorations at the house and we'd get to paint our own too. In that spirit I painted a little baby ghost with a pumpkin for Baby G and wrote 1st Halloween 2011 on it. (I made something for Michael too but he hasn't seen it yet so I wont ruin the surprise :-p). I went back the other day to order a custom pumpkin to paint too. Where the smile is will be letters that spell Gallerane, and it comes with a light inside, so we'll have our first mommy made decoration for our house too. Thursday is ladies night at CMM and I went last night and made a gift for my little niece in the making Maggie. <3 It might turn out that some of our Christmas presents will be custom made gifts from've been warned! :-)
Here is my little ghost punkin....
 after paint before firing... 

I also went to Target and took advantage of the back to school sales and bought new markers and colored pencils and a GIANT Winnie the Pooh coloring book. I decided if we were going with a Winnie the Pooh themed nursery then I could make my own wall art instead of buying some. See for yourself...

Another great upside to coloring is that it's actually helping reduce the swelling in my fingers...who knew?!

Baby Prep Notes: We completed our prepared childbirth classes with the hospital which was awesome and further enforced how great of a husband I have. <3 We will also be going to a baby care class and breastfeeding prep class too...oh and getting the car seats checked for proper installation! I've also started cooking and freezing some crock pot meals for post baby recovery!

Love you all!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Just to recap the madness!

So much has happened since I posted last. 
The short version: 
Flights, a sad good bye, a beautiful baby shower, family galore, a trip to the beach, visits with friends, and a stunning and sweet wedding, more flights, missed kittens, another Houston trip and a baby shopping extravaganza! whew!  

 For those of you looking for the extended version here we go! 

We hired an amazing pet sitter to watch our fur babies while we ventured home for two action packed weeks. If anyone in the Dallas area actually reads this Little Sweathearts Pet Sitting is Top notch. (daily visits, text and picture updates made being away a little less crazy- for us and the babies). 

Direct flights are the only way this pregnant lady was ever going to fly so was glad we found great deals on American (one of the only direct to and from Boston airlines FYI for those of you planning visits later this year). And the heat apparently hitched a direct flight too but disregarded the overweight baggage rule and brought along its heady friend Humidity! It was 105 our first full day home and STICKY.

If you haven't read the blog lately you might have missed that my dear friend Stacy was called home to be with God last month (I can't believe tomorrow is a month already pretty girl I miss you so much). Friday Michael and I went to the cemetery to say our prayers. It was hard, and still is but she is with us everyday, keeping a close watch on us and this baby. Boy or girl, this little one has it's Auntie Stacy's spunk that is for sure. 
We spent much of the rest of our trip showing off the ever growing (and significantly bigger than Rachel's) Belly everywhere we went. No wise cracks on how big I look compared to her ok!
Our families with some help from their friends threw Rachel and I a joint baby shower on Saturday. It was amazing and we had a blast. Sharing such a special time with my sister was so much fun! I don't have any pictures from that yet so hoping to get some of them to share soon. The theme was Noah's ark which was perfect and so cute! We were blessed with so many gifts and advice from been-there-done-that mom's. It was so special and we couldn't have asked for a better day! Our family made the trip from NJ-Kas and Manda, Aunt Connie, Uncle Henry, Aunt Suzy and Aunt Ginny, and Mary Ann Flynn came from  PA! plus all of our friends and family from MA was there too! 
We hit the beach with Katie and Jacqui for a little relaxation and celebration of Katie's Birthday.  
And took a ride on the lake with Captain Potter and Miss Nissa which was beautiful. 

We headed to Hansen, MA and to Bourne for a wedding weekend filled with wonderful family, and great friends. Two people we love dearly tied the knot on Saturday July 30th at Camp Kiwanee. The views from the lodge were amazing, the vows were personal and truly heartfelt, and the food and the festivities were awesome too. Oh and they were married by the same special person that married Michael and I last year. Jenney!
The first few pictures are from the rehearsal dinner and the next set from the wedding day. Both Michael and I had some special duties on the big day so I don't have any good pictures of the ceremony yet. but it was beautiful. 

the beautiful bride and the handsome groom

 After such a beautiful day Michael and I decided that we'd swing by the Holliston Historical Society on one of our remaining days to take some pictures. We had planned to go back there each year it was possible to take a commemorative anniversary picture. We didn't exactly make the anniversary part but close enough.
"I love you today, more than yesterday, but much much less than tomorrow...and it will go on like this forever"

Mixed into all those adventures were visits and dinners with great friends and family and tons more pictures. (that I still need to collect from folks). We spent some quality time with Katie and Justin, who celebrated their first new home purchase this week! and with my parents and sister relaxing by the pool and shopping. There were so many more people we would have loved to see but in the end two weeks is not enough time. And how fast it went made us miss living at home even more. We miss you all so much!

They days we are here are flying by though and we'll be home for Christmas with our Little Foot before we can blink. (9-10 weeks if we go all the way!) Upon or arrival home I spent much of the first weekend shopping for baby things with all the generous gift cards we received at our shower.  Michael was spared the 2 hours in Babies R Us and subsequent 2 hours at Target but only because he headed to Houston again right after we got home. He spent our first 4 days back home, out on the road for work. But I managed to get the baby explosion cleaned up before he got back Sunday night. <3 

I got all my thank you cards out in the mail so keep your eyes peeled! 
Love you, 
Love us

Thursday, July 14, 2011

" I ain't here for a long time... "

Country music has always been a passion of mine, a passion I shared with Stacy, one I also share with Michael. The biggest thing I love most about country music is how it speaks to life like no other genre. Its like always finding the perfect Hallmark card that says how you feel- even when how you aren't sure before you pick it up, exactly how you feel.
I have a whole sound track of music that speaks to the love I share with Michael but that is for another post.

There are a bunch of songs that remind me of Stacy and this moment in time, but today I heard George Strait sing this on the radio and it was almost like she was standing here in the living room singing to me.
Listen here on youtube.
the King of Country singing about my girl <3

Brian Andreas- a well known poet has this poem on his site it's called Unheard Music
"Don't you hear it? she asked & I shook my head no & then she started to dance & suddenly there was music everywhere & it went on for a very long time & when I finally found words all I could say was thank you."

Dance on girl... Dance on- thank you for bringing such love and zest to my life.

When I get where I'm going I know I see you and your smiling face again.

When I get where I'm going- Brad Paisley

Monday, July 11, 2011

the loss of a friend and wisdom from my father...

I lost one of my best friends Saturday, her battle with cancer was a fight to the end. Tonight I'm trying to find the words to convey who and what she was to me and also how much she meant to Michael and I together. 
Stacy Hehn was a rock, an angel, a light that shone in the darkness on the days we couldn't see the way. God gifted us with his love and his light through her. Truly an angel walking among us. She put others first always, asking about how we were even while we were there to offer comfort to her. Her love for her family and her friends was so strong. Her passion for country music, and animals was evident everyday. Mine is just one of many stories about the lives she touched and the hearts she shaped. 
We met working at the Longhorn, a place that holds a long list of wonderful people who loved her, more than I can count. Her smile brought people in and her bubbly personality kept them coming back, sometimes waiting 2 deep at the bar or an extra half hour just to get a table in her section. In the years we worked together I learned how the ins and outs of restaurant life often paralleled the ins and outs of everyday life. some days we rocked it out other days we struggled through the weeds. Stacy's positive outlook and feisty spirit kept me going- pushing through a full time day job, a full week of shifts at the restaurant, and a full course load as I went to college at night. She was always there cheering me on, quizzing me for tests coming up, and checking in on projects due. All the while she battled issues with her kidney, dialysis first and a second transplant, keeping track of what she could and couldn't eat. Working with swollen legs, sore feet and a smile she kept on fighting. I'd never seen anyone fight so hard.  I was amazed and truly inspired...and sometimes worried.
Later when I turned my life upside down she was there listening and questioning but supporting me "as long as  you are following your heart, I'll be holding your hand" She was the first in my world to meet Michael. And she embraced him as if he had always been a part of what we had. Her support helped get us to where we are today. Support grew for us over time from other friends and family but it started with her. And from that we grew strong. She stood with me as my maid of honor on our wedding day last summer. A day I will never forget for so many reasons.
I also remember the day she called to tell me about the first bout with liver cancer. I was walking into the mall alone- what happened after that I don't really remember. I couldn't even tell you if I made it inside. I think I went back and sat in the car for a long time. She fought again and we celebrated when the cancer was gone. Throughout it all I prayed, although my faith was not as strong as it should or could have been I prayed. I tried  as best I knew how to be there for her as she had been for me.  
As my mom battled with her kidneys and began dialysis herself Stacy was again there for me. With her wealth of personal experience in the area she provided a powerful positive resource for me. 
Then I had to tell her we were moving. Not from Northborough to somewhere closer but halfway across the country to Texas. We cried and I promised we'd move back after a little while and she could come visit whenever she wanted. I don't know if she knew then she wouldn't get here, she always seemed to know long before the doctors did when things weren't well. At least that's how it felt. She didn't get to come here, and I wasn't there for her. My heart was... but it's always been with her. That in itself has been the greatest struggle for me. Because when she needed me I wasn't there in person. Which I know she understood but she always understood. 
My father unexpectedly began to have seizures and underwent brain surgery a short time ago. It was while sitting with him in recovery at the hospital that Stacy called. The cancer was back and she was tired. It had spread wildly and they would be aggressive in their treatment... Her pain was evident as she asked me to please ask my daddy to pray for her- she said "God seems to always be listening to him and I feel like he can't hear me anymore" After we hung up I sat talking with my dad, he said of course he'd pray. His faith has grown during my life and is stronger now than ever. He's taught me so much and been there for me through many trying times. It's not the first conversation we've had about faith but it was the most profound, the one that touched me the deepest. I'll carry this with me all the rest of my days. This is what I took away from our conversation:
God made us human with hearts and minds so big yet so small, capable of so much and so little at the very same time. He also gave us free will, the choice to do as we please, even if it does not please Him. Those things combined make it impossible for us to begin to grasp or understand his plan. The lives of millions intertwined every day, each decision creating a cause and effect chain so elaborate it is totally untraceable. There is no way to track fault or guilt or even good deeds back to the originator. What one person thinks is fair or right may be unjust or unfair to another, even when so many people pray for the same thing, 1 person praying the opposite and you have unbalance. Thus it is not for us to decide. Bad things happen to good people, and bad people are freed every day. Babies and children die after having done no wrong, and lives are spared after horrible deeds and we can only ask why but will never understand. Life happens, not on our time but on God's time and not by our plan but by His; a plan too great all we can do is trust and have faith.
Faith is giving in to the idea that you are not in control. It's about understanding that each and every day is bigger than you can see of feel or touch.
I take comfort now in not being in control, trusting that God needed Stacy and her beautiful light for other things. May you not rest in peace my friend but may you Soar among the sky, hold hands and have tea with your Gram and watch over us here, all of us missing you every day.
I love you- Love always and forever. <3 me

Friday, June 24, 2011

Already on schedule-

I'm amazed at the miracle happening inside my belly every day. This week has been a rough one for me although not due to the belly at all. Like clockwork- so in-tune with me- my Little foot has been bringing me back to a wonderful happy place at all the right moments. The kicks rolls inside my belly seem to be right on schedule with when Mama needs a little pick-me-up. I think Little foot was as excited for Friday as I was this morning- although basking in the glow of our little miracle made me a bit late getting in the shower-I don't care. I'm loving my pregnancy at this stage- even if I felt a little more like a crazy prego this week then usual. 

Thank you Little Foot for reminding your Mama what's really important. :-) I love you so much already. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Foot my love

Little Foot,
Last night your daddy and I were laying on the couch together watching tv, I could feel you kicking up a storm in my belly so I put your daddy's hand over you so he could feel it too. A big proud smile and a chuckle later he looked at me and said "little kicks from our Little Foot" and thus your nickname was born. Someday you'll know just how much your momma and daddy love the Land Before Time movies and how fitting it seems that we will call you Little Foot till you arrive (and maybe even after). Hopefully you will love them just as much. (that is if we can find them on DVD ;-)
We love you Little Foot more than you could ever know.

Momma & Daddy